血液検査 Blood analyses

≪ 検査項目 ≫
白血球数、赤血球数、血色素量、ヘマトクリット、血小板数、GOT(AST) 、GPT(ALT)、γ-GTP、総ビリルビン、ALP、 LD(LDH)、総コレステロール、中性脂肪、LDLコレステロール、HDLコレステロール、nonHDLコレステロール※1、尿酸、クレアチニン、eGFR※1、CRP定量、血糖




≪Content of blood analyses≫
tests carried out for anemia, white blood cell count, blood platelet count, liver function, renal function, lipid metabolism, blood sugar, level of uric acid

*Analysis of the blood in the fasting state is ideal, and therefore those who have their check-up in the morning should come without having had breakfast and refrain from having drinks that contain calories. Those with check-ups in the afternoon should finish a light breakfast by 7:00am, and refrain from eating and only have drinks that do not have calories in them until after the check-up.
*Please check with your doctor about fasting for blood tests if you are taking medication daily.
(Please make sure to keep hydrated by taking drinks without calories, such as water or straight tea.)