About "Free frames"

A few "free frames" have been set aside on each campus for those who have difficulty taking health check-ups as a large group, those who can only take a health check-up on a specific day, those who wish to be able to change alone, or those who are injured and have difficulty moving around at the pace of others.
This “free frame” is open to all regardless of gender and the time required for the health check-up will be slightly longer.
Due to the limited number of frames available, we ask for your understanding and cooperation so that those who are in absolute need of such considerations can be seen in those frames.
The operation of this frame may be changed or cancelled in the future. 

Conventional implementation

Free frames

The gender written on the student register

Reservations are set by gender.

Regardless of gender

Number of persons examined

(Number of people per frame)

Men frame:16-26persons

Women frame:12-18persons


Chest X- ray examination

The changing area will be shared with other examinees of the same gender in the same time frame.

The changing area will not be shared with other examinees.

Electrocardiogram, abdominal circumference measurement

Individual measurements in partitioned booths

Health Check-up items other than those listed above*

The examinee will be examined along with other examinees in the same time slot.

Required Time

As in the past

It may take a little longer than usual

*Reception, Height and body weight measurement, Blood pressure evaluation, Blood tests, Final check