Special Health Check-up for Faculties and Staff, and Health Check-up for those “Engaged in Specified Work”.
■ Target person
Health Check-up for those “engaged in specified work”:Table 1
Special Health Check-up:Table 2
Those whose work or the materials they handle requires special health check-up or classed as being “engaged in specified work” by law. Persons in charge of managing staff health of each department are responsible for determining those applicable.
All those deemed applicable are to have the check-ups regardless of their status of full-time, part-time or number of hours they work in a week.
Those down for the ‘health check-up for those “engaged in specified work”’ must receive examinations specified in the relevant laws and regulations. Furthermore, as you will also be examined by the occupational health physician, even if you have had other health check-ups you must take this specific health check-up (including dispatched workers and JSPS Research Fellows).
Those down for these special health check-ups must have the check-ups twice a year, once in the Fall Semester(September to November)and again in the Spring Semester (January to February).
Those working in the University Hospital or on Shirokanedai Campus (except UTOPIA) are to have the medical examinations at their work locations which will take place separately.
■ Making a reservation and completing the questionnaire
- Reservations made through the website are required.
- For details on how to make a reservation, please refer to the documents that will be distributed at a later date.
- For information on the medical questionnaire and reservations, please see here.
Go To Reservation & Questionnaire
- *For those who wish to receive assistance with medical examinations
- *Those who are required to have dental examination should check the information documents and make an appointment as soon as possible.
■ Location
Hongo:Health Check-up floor (Basement) Hongo Health Service Center
Komaba:Komaba Health Service Center
※Please note that the venue is different from the fall health check-up.
Kashiwa:Kashiwa Library
■ Date
2024 Academic Year. (Spring Semester) Click here
■ Reports
Click here
■ Inquiries
Hongo Health Service Center
E-mail:hoken-kanri-hongo.adm〔at sign〕gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp