Health Check-up for staff and faculties

Regular Health Check-up for staff and faculties

  Based on the results of the survey for relevant personnel sent to the person in charge in the departments around July every year. → Click here for details

Health Check-up for those Engaged in Specified Work Content(twice a year)

  Based on the results of the survey (twice a year) for relevant personnel among all faculty and staff members sent to the person in charge in the departments. → Click here for details

Health Check-up for Newly Hired Employees/Health Check-up for Long term Travelers

  Eligible applicants will be contacted in advance by the person in charge in the department. → For details   Newly Hired Employees / Long term Travelers

Health Check-up for Visiting Researchers (Concurrently conducted during the Student Medical Examination II (Spring))

 Pre-registration by the person in charge in the department is required. → Click here for details

*JSPS Research Fellows (excluding fellowship-type selection) hired after April 1, 2024, are required to take the Regular Health Check-up for Staff and Faculties.

Health Check-up for Radioisotope (RI) Users

  New and re-registered members handling radioisotopes, and those who are judged to need regular RI health checkups. → Click here for details