Blood pressure

  Blood pressure refers to the pressure applied by blood flowing through blood vessels on the walls of the blood vessels. Blood is pushed through blood vessels in the entire body by the pumping action of the heart. Blood pressure is greatest when the heart contracts to send blood out. The blood pressure during this time is called the “systolic blood pressure” (or maximum blood pressure). When the heart expands, the blood pressure reaches the minimum, which is called the “diastolic blood pressure.”

  Blood pressure fluctuates due to exercise, nervousness, and other reasons. Disease is also a cause of increase in blood pressure. If a patient with high blood pressure is not treated for a long period of time, it promotes hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis), which leads to major illnesses like cerebrovascular diseases and heart diseases. Take advantage of opportunities like health checkups to understand your own blood pressure.

normal blood pressure  (systolic) ~ 120 / (diastolic) ~80 (mmHg)
Both systolic and diastolic blood pressure should be below the level.
"normal" as a checkup evaluation (systolic) ~ 130/ (diastolic) ~85(mmHg)
Both systolic and diastolic blood pressure should be below the level.

Causes of high blood pressure

High blood pressure can be categorized as (1) essential high blood pressure and (2) secondary high blood pressure. In addition, temporary stress / tension during a medical examination can also cause blood pressure to rise (white coat hypertension).

1.Essential high blood pressure

About 90 percent of patients with high blood pressure are diagnosed as having essential high blood pressure. This means that the high blood pressure has no identifiable cause. Factors causing the blood pressure to rise can be roughly categorized as genetic factors and environmental factors.

・Genetic factors: The predisposition to high blood pressure is considered to be genetic.
・Environmental factors: Consumption of too much sodium, obesity, alcohol, lack of exercise, psychological stress, smoking, and other factors.

2. Secondary high blood pressure

Because diseases that cause high blood pressure are well-known, high blood pressure is a symptom of one of those diseases. Diseases causing high blood pressure include those of the kidneys, endocrine system, and blood vessels, and drugs.


If high blood pressure is indicated by your recent health checkup,

・Systolic blood pressure: 130 - 139 and/or diastolic blood pressure 85 - 90

Those who have medical complications such as diabetes or chronic kidney disease, or those with smoking habits, need to be careful because even with mildly high blood pressure, the risk of cerebrovascular disease is high. If you have any comorbidities, please consult your doctor. If your home blood pressure is high, and you don't have a primary doctor, you can consult at the health center.

・Systolic blood pressure: 140 - 159 and/or diastolic blood pressure 90 - 99

Nurse counseling recommended. Please make an appointment for nurse counseling at the Health Service Center on your campus.Before you visit, measure your blood pressure on your own for several days, and bring the results to the Health Service Center when you visit. If you have a primary physician, report the results of this health checkup to him or her.

・Systolic blood pressure: 160- 179 and/or diastolic blood pressure 100 - 109

Consult with a medical institution about the results of this health checkup. Visit the Internal Medicine Department of the Health Service Center on your campus or the nearest medical institution. Before you go, measure your blood pressure on your own for several days, and bring the results to the visit. If you have a primary physician, report the results of this health checkup to him or her.  
Report the results of the medical exam to the Health Service Center on your campus.*

・Systolic blood pressure: 180 or above and/or diastolic blood pressure: 110 or above

If you experience symptoms such as headache or nausea, you should seek immediate medical attention. If you are asymptomatic and do not have a primary care doctor, please visit the internal medicine department of the University Health Service Center or the nearest medical institution as soon as possible. Please report the result of the consultation to the consultation district health center.

Reference:Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare website

* Contact information
Hongo campus: Health Management Office, Hongo Health Service Center
TEL: 03-5841-2579 / 2580
Komaba campus: Health Management Office, Komaba Health Service Center
TEL: 03-5454-6180
Kashiwa campus: Health Management Office, Kashiwa Health Service Center
TEL: 04-7136-3040

* Follow up

If an abnormal value was reported in your result, please seek consultation with a doctor.
Please inform the health center the result of the consultation, using the below response form so that we may be aware of the state of your health.
Click here for details