Physician Examination


During the physician examination, an internal medicine doctor assesses self-reported symptoms through questioning and checks for observable symptoms through auscultation and palpation.

Auscultation primarily involves listening to lung and heart sounds, checking for abnormal breath sounds or irregular heart murmurs.

Palpation involves examining the neck, supraclavicular lymph nodes, and thyroid for any swelling or edema.

Interpreting Examination Findings:

“所見なし” = No findings:
No significant issues were observed during questioning, auscultation, or palpation.

“措置不要” = No follow-up required:
If there were minor findings, it may be appropriate to monitor the situation. If symptoms worsen or there are concerns, consider seeking detailed examination at a hospital. It’s recommended to continue regular checkups.

治療中” = Under treatment:
If you already have a primary care physician, report your current health checkup results to them.

要精査” = Requires further investigation:
If there are any findings that warrant additional scrutiny, consider visiting the Health Service Center’s internal medicine department or a nearby hospital.

Common Findings:

“心雑音” =Heart Murmurs:
Most heart murmurs occur when blood flows through valves. Healthy individuals typically don’t hear heart murmurs, but there are harmless murmurs even in healthy people.

“心音不整” =Irregular Heart Sounds:
Refers to irregular heartbeats or rhythms.

“肺野ラ音” = Abnormal Lung Sounds (Rales):
These are breath sounds originating from the lungs or airways during respiratory movements. They can occur due to bronchial narrowing, asthma, fluid in the lungs, or inflammation.

“頚部・鎖骨上窩リンパ節腫大” = Enlarged Supraclavicular Lymph Nodes:
Lymph nodes may swell in response to infections, but tumors can also cause enlargement. Further evaluation is necessary if labeled as “requires further investigation.”

“甲状腺腫大” = Thyroid Enlargement (Goiter):
Enlargement of the thyroid gland can be diffuse or nodular, with different underlying causes. If labeled as “requires further investigation,” differential diagnosis is essential.

“皮疹” = Skin Rash (Eruption):
Refers to skin eczema.

“浮腫” = Edema (Swelling):
Edema can result from inflammatory conditions, heart disease, lung disease, kidney disorders, or physiological factors.