What is an ECG test?

An electrocardiogram records the electrical activity of the heart and can help diagnose heart disorders. At the University of Tokyo, all employees aged 35 and over 40 undergo an electrocardiogram during regular employee health checkups, and all employees undergo an electrocardiogram during a health checkup upon employment.

The meaning of electrocardiography

Electrocardiography is useful in diagnosing arrhythmia and ischemic heart disease (such as angina pectoris and myocardial infarction). In addition, since the state of myocardial load such as hypertrophy and dilation is also reflected, it is useful for diagnosing myocardial disease, pericardial disease, valvular disease, and congenital heart disease. Since the electrical activity of the heart is recorded from the outside of the chest wall, which consists of the ribs and intercostal muscles, individual differences can be seen due to differences in the thickness of the chest wall and the positional relationship between the electrodes and the heart. Therefore, even if mild abnormal findings are recognized, detailed examination and treatment may not be necessary.

About the results of electrocardiogram examination in health checkup and response

(The remark column of the result is blank)

Within normal range

No abnormal findings were observed on the electrocardiogram. However, it only reflects what happened while the ECG was being recorded. If you have any symptoms that concern you, such as chest pain or palpitations, see a doctor.

Minor findings

The electrocardiogram shows mild abnormal findings, but detailed examination and treatment are not considered necessary. However, if you have symptoms of concern such as chest pain or palpitations, please consult a medical institution.

Electrocardiogram reexamination required 1 year later

Mild abnormal findings are observed on the electrocardiogram, but follow-up may be sufficient. Be sure to take an electrocardiogram at your next health checkup. However, if you have symptoms of concern such as chest pain or palpitations, please consult a medical institution.

Examination required (Examination such as echocardiography required)

Abnormal findings are confirmed on the electrocardiogram. If you have never had a detailed examination, please visit a medical institution (cardiology department). We will give you a letter of reference to an external medical institution, so please come to the Health Service Center. If you have already visited a medical institution, please follow the instructions of your doctor.

*Regardless of any findings, if you have been diagnosed with heart disease in the past and have a doctor, please follow the instructions of your doctor.