* Your UTokyo Account is required. For details on the UTokyo Account, please see the information the university website (here). The Health Service Center does not manage UTokyo Account.
* This website is not intended to be accessed from outside Japan. Please use it after you arrive in Japan.
‣ Medical Questionnaires/Reservations flow
(0.Browser settings, etc.)
1. Login to the Medical Checkup Reservation System
1-2. UTokyo Account Login
2. Answer Questionnaire
3. Make a Reservation
Contact:*Replace ♯ in the email below with @ when sending
When making inquiries, please let us know your name and common ID (students can use your student ID number).
Hongo Health Service Center
Phone: 03-5841-2579 (ext. 22579)
E-mail: hoken-kanri-hongo.adm#gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Kashiwa Health Service Center
Phone: 04-7136-3040 (ext. 63040)
E-mail: hoken-kanri-kashiwa.adm#gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Komaba Health Service Center
Phone: 03-5454-6180 (ext. 46180)
E-mail: hoken-kanri-komaba.adm#gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp