For those who would like to use the results of a health check-up from an external medical institution as a substitute.
The university will take it in the same manner as if you have received the regular health check-up conducted by the University of Tokyo on submission of documents ① to ③ listed below.
Before submitting the documents, please read the notes carefully and contact the Komaba Health Service Center.
* When making any inquiries, please be ready to provide us with your common ID number, student ID number, and name.
① Medical certificates that fulfill all items for the “Health Check-ups for PEAK Students” (copy of the results from the external medical examination will suffice).
* Japanese language or English language only
* All information on every page should be copied and submitted without omissions on paper. (data such as on film, CD-R other media will not be accepted)
*Chest x-ray and electrocardiogram are to be submitted with the judgment of a doctor. (Doctor’s judgment refers to judgments such as "no abnormality", "re-examination after 1 year", or "detailed examination required".)
* Results are to be from health checkups within the target year (For example, in order to substitute for the AY 2023 health checkup, the examination date must be the result from April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024.)
* The name of the medical institution you visited.
〇 Inspection items for “Health Check-ups for PEAK Students”
height and body weight measurement, abdominal circumference, blood pressure evaluation, chest X-ray examination, electrocardiography, urinalysis (sugar, protein, blood), physical examination (doctor’s consultation), audiometry (1000Hz 30db,4000Hz 25db), blood analyses
* Please have your doctor clearly state whether or not you are able to participate in physical education classes.
*The form which can be downloaded may be used (Japanese language only).
②Online medical questionnaires
Click here for the online medical questionnaires (←It will open after September 21, 2023.)
③A copy of your student ID card
Others: If you have a “Medical Information Provision Form” from your medical doctor, please also submit it.
If there are any abnormal values or findings in the check-up results, follow the instructions given by the medical institution you consulted. Also, if you receive any instructions about lifestyle (including smoking, drinking, etc.), please follow the instructions given by the medical institution that you visited.
The health service center will take and deal with only items that are part of the check-up conducted at the university's health checkup.
Contact (* Please replace # with @)
Komaba Health Service Center E-mail: